Purple Guy. Michael speaks with a robotic voice in . Did he get killed on purpose to let Elizabeth escape or something? He bullied Evan relentlessly in the FNaF4 minigames, but in the Midnight Motorist minigame in FFPS, he showed remorse by telling William to leave his brother alone. Throughout the nights, he accomplishes the tasks the job requires him to, though eventually it is revealed his father sent him to the facility to find hissister. The Fredbear plushie seems unfazed by what he is doing, only asking what he has done "this time". Michael Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. His parents were bl/male x male couple, and hes a proud member of their family. It's so annoying how we have every Afton child appearing in the new fnaf encyclopedia except for Michael when he's supposedly the closet thing we have to main protagonist/character for fnaf. Afton met Henry Emily before the events in Help Wanted. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He also seems to have a cultured taste in entertainment, as he enjoys watching soap operas and dramas on television, such as "The Immortal and Restless", as he spent nearly every night watching the program and even made popcorn for the event. Mostafizur. It started slow, with there only being a creak here and there. Contents 1 Description 1.1 Girl 1.1.1 Susie However, the survival logbook has to take place during FNAF3, as Fazbear's Fright merch, Two Reasons Why Michael Afton Can't Be the FNAF3 Guard, I drew a silly so like idk might as well share here too, I found this leaked gameplay for FNaF Remnant Rising: Revengeance. Nightmare Fredbear | The One You Should Not Have Killed | The survival logbook that Chris Afton kept while he was a child implies that its Michael Afton. Consider what Michael says as Springtrap emerges from the wreckage of Fazbear's Frights: She's free now. Michael Afton (also known as Eggs Benedict, Foxy Bully and The Brother) is the main protagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, possibly the main protagonist Five Nights at Freddy's 1 and Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and one of the two protagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's 4. Mike Schmidt | Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki | Fandom Animatronics In the child's own secret locked up box it holds toys, a plushie, and a . "What is sooo important that you had to drag me away from Veronica?". He possessed a Springbonnie and was trapped in a room for many years. He is the son of William Afton, a renowned serial killer. Lucky Boy | Stuff like this makes me question some things about the logbook or at least parts that don't involve the name 'Cassidy'. If ya wanna see the characters, look here. "Well uh, I'm currently driving away from a madman and I have Veronica, Lizzy, and her brothers in my car. Puhuhuhu! Bite Victim | FNAF The unofficial Wiki | Fandom But being the 'smart teenagers' that they were, they told Evan to stay there and walked into the other room. The people around him continue to wave cheerfully. The younger brother wouldn't have seen this, as he was unconscious the entire time he was at the hospital, and even then, pills aren't made to help severely fractured craniums. Montgomery Gator | He hugged her and she noticed a bruise on his face. As for his age, he was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. Bonnie the Bunny | Freddy Fazbear | 3. They had 11 children. Willie, after finally having found them, had just let them go. So I was trying to explain Fnaf to my old fart grandpa and this is what he thinks Fnaf is. Then Michael witnessed how the Scooper is used on Ballora, afterwards he survives an attack by Balloras companions the Minireenas. It's implied in the book that Michael is an extremely hard worker who is desperate for cash in order to make ends meet. How am I gonna explain this? During Evan's birthday party, Michael and his friends decided to pull a prank on . Glitchtrap | Special Delivery's game over screen is merely a screen saying "You Lost" and removing remnant. Mega Brow | But something is wrong with me. Michael T. Afton, 1943 - 2013. The Mimic | Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery. The sound of Michael getting scooped in the Real Ending. Michael also shows sadness at the fact that he is now a monster unable of being seen in public, forcing him to hide in the shadows. Just before Ian arrived, a man named Jason walked into the restaurant to apply for a job. 4'2" Some people argue that Michael Afton passes out if the heat rises to a high enough temperature, but remember: Remnant is what is keeping Mike alive. We both know Evan is a little sensitive but your dad knows this. He's not the same anymore. I'm going to come find you.Michael Afton. Dee Dee | Who was the first Afton kid to die? : r/fnaftheories - Reddit Ian was driving his car while in a deep thought process. After the burning of Fazbears Fright, Michael finds a job as an entrepreneur for a new location called Freddy Fazbears Pizza Place. In the third cutscene, his skin seems to be more of a green color and his eyes are now dark gray instead of blue. It's also stated that Michael desires to take a tropical vacation. Rockstar Freddy | He has a twin named Vanessa, who died at age six. In fact, Christopher Aftons son Michael was born on the same day as his sister Elizabeth. He had a bad habit of excessively chewing gum. The fire kills Michael and Henry. I did it. One-Shot Michael Afton | Fantasy Heroes Wiki | Fandom Sea Bonnies | Years after the closure of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Michael is tasked by William to go rescue his younger sister, Elizabeth Afton, down in Circus Babys Entertainment and Rental, an underground facility storing the Funtime Animatronics. C.C is a sensitive and kind soul, woefully afraid of the harsh world around him. How to choose a moving company when moving? "Hi. He had two children, Michael and C.C. He is shown to be a friendly and popular person, as all of his neighbors happily wave to him in the end-of-night minigames. Afton has survived three fires and a spring suit. He was buried in Aultorest Memorial Park, Ogden, Utah, United States. Michael comes to his little brother's bedside, and apologizes in a brief statement. I should be dead. He is the protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 1, which is confirmed by Michael's Freddy and Foxy illustrations in the logbook. Due to her sheltering of him from both the outside world and his father's ill temper, he was utterly shell-shocked in the wake of her passing. You running from someone? He then manages to get to the Breaker Room, where he reboots all systems while playing audio to keep Funtime Freddy at bay. The Afton Family- Full Story - SomeOrdinaryGamers Wiki Can it not wait until I get home?". After 5 nights of working there, he was scooped by Ennard as it used his skin to blend in with the humans and escape. In 1983, Michael begins to bully his little brother, jumping out and scaring him while wearing a Foxy mask. Michaels hollow body falls onto the sidewalk but stands back up, now having Michael possessing the horrific empty body. This theory was essentially debunked once Michael was revealed to be the Brother. Before Ian could say anything, Lizzy said, "Ian, Mike just told me that my dad punched Evan in the face. The couple married in 1964 and had 11 children. Michael Aftons parents were William Afton and Rosemary BACIUSKA. Christopher Afton Her death caused him to seek more validation from William as his only remaining parent, though William didn't really seem to notice or care. Springtrap/Burntrap | Heat weakens the remnant's power. In the second cutscene, everything is the same, but he has minor skin color change from tan-pink to tan. When you finish the Custom Night challenges on the hardest difficulty, you will be rewarded with a cutscene that shows what happened to Eggs Benedict after the Real Ending. Alias(es) William was still 31 (because of floating timelines) and his wife was 30 when she died. After being reanimated and becoming a living corpse, he appears to be physically dark purple, due to his skin rotting. And last, Why is Michael afton fanart so fine. "Now dad was taking this stuff called Remnant to keep himself alive. It was eerily quiet on the way to Lizzy's house. I've been living in shadows. Michael Afton: Older Brother 60+ Mrs Afton ( Age Not Known but here is the range that is possible.) Michael Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom The plushie constantly tries to help the child avoid Michael, guiding him with his words. This would not make sense if he was the one experiencing the nightmares. Nedd Bear | It's almost as if a spell was cast over the car so that no one could talk about the incident. Michael is shown to be a sadistic and manipulative trickster, who never ceases to emotionally and psychologically abuse his younger brother. Dreadbear | Michael Afton was a technician for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, security guard for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and son of serial killer William Afton. After he finds out his father seemingly dies, Michael finds out that his sister, Elizabeth, disappeared at sister location. But I'm not. But something is wrong with me. In the Survival Logbook, Michael is shown to be sarcastic, making various comments about Fazbear Entertainment's lack of safety or care for its employees the book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job suggesting he sleep with one eye open. Not to mention William's surveillance of Evan, it's very likely that he was experimenting on Evan to try and see what kind of emotions Evan can release, with that being agony. The Missing Children are a group of children, who were kidnapped from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and murdered by William Afton. Christopher Afton is the youngest Afton and his brother is the oldest. Mediocre Melodies Felix the Shark | There are a total of 8 cutscenes. As a twin with his brother, he acted as a guard at the prison. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy. Mainline Games There are fewer people around him, and one of them is hiding behind their house in fear. As they pulled up, a teenager with a red hoodie was hanging around there. I don't know why he would but do you need me to come get you and Veronica? Daycare Attendant | It is highly speculated that he is the victim of the nightmares. In SL, which takes pleace in 1995 and he'd be 25. Status I'm going to come find you. I've been living in shadows. 1 (Re-upload). Minireenas | Michael Afton was born in the late 1960s. So hed be in his 20s in FNaF 1, and his 60s by FFPS. There is an IV stand, a basket of flowers, and prescribed medication that randomly appears beside the bed. As the fourth human character, he was chosen by Vanny, a demonic animatronic who has a twisted mind and the ability to change. He finds solace only in his closest friends, a set of Freddy Fazbear plushes his honorary uncle Henry made for him and his siblings. Now Jason had applied for a job as a security guard at the restaurant. Rockstar Chica | He was the only witness to the murder of Charlie Emily at the hands of his father. In the film adaptation, he plays Vincent the third. This is seen further in the book when asked in the form of a question what he would like for his end of week bonus he circles the money basket with emphasis meaning Michael values money and could be a very materialistic person. He was paid $120 dollars for his first week for doing his job, as known by a check given after finishing Night 5. Have a good night! Copyright 2020 - 2022 Webnews21 (GMW). Comment who you would like to play as these characters in the FNaF Movie. The actor is the older brother of Crying Child star C.C. Official @WINGS O' FIRE cereal, If Ballora is Mrs. Afton, does that make Molten Freddy Michael's mom , What if Freddy was the night guard And we played as him And the other 4 animatronics are night guards to And we have to survive against Michael Afton And if Michael Afton jumpscares you get stuffed Out of your suit Or Michael Afton might jumpscare a different animatronic. Classic Animatronics Were you looking for information on Michael's Father, William Afton or his sister,Elizabeth? Lizzy called for Evan and he came running to her. Biographical Information He was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. Michael may or may not have a flair for business in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, as his choices are influenced by the player. That damn bunny rabbit is missing and I'm sure as hell not keeping my job.". And how the hell could you help us? Other He also seems to enjoy snacking on food, which is shown later on in the book, where he expresses that eating increases his happiness. There are multiple scribbles in the book drawn by Michael, implying that he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. Henry: Basically adopted Michael since William is a terrible father. While he is generally a heroic character in his adult appearances, he also appeared as the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, which takes place in his teenage years. He begins working on November 7th. While his siblings developed a hard outer shell and cynical bite in response to their home life, C.C found no such defense mechanism, and as such receives the brunt of his father's, and later brother's, cruelty. William Afton Age Start Range- He was 50 years old when he was in sisters location. ", "Yes Ian, that would be nice." Chat us for guest posts and personalized ads. Glamrock Chica | Michael Afton is the main protagonist of Sister Location, serving as one of the technician's for the animatronics and isknown as Eggs Benedict (due to HandUnit's keyboard malfunction). Why Do You Need Immediate Help with Sewer Leaks? Official. His nickname "Nightmare Foxy" is believed to represent him. After this, Baby starts talking to Michael and questions why hes here, she tells him to hide under the desk. November 15th, 1983 (age 9) On THREE! Funtime Animatronics I don't know exactly if any of these characters are confirmed to be in the movie, I just picked iconic ones. Mother Evan died in 1983, but with the proof and proven lore about it, it is pretty clear that Elizabeth most likely dies first. Pings (ask if ya wanna get pinged): @Hakunetsu @Smartperson666 @Ash4ash @MIku vaporeon @Chibi Funtime @EndrManiacWiki @ @Crystal Sea14 @D.E.V. The last three people he walks by look on in confusion. Recurring PlushBabies, Spin-Off Games The rest of what is said in the minigame, presumably belonging to the spirit within the Fredbear plushie, with lines such as "I will put you back together", seeming rather strange for him to say. She explains that she is faking it and that something bad happened that day. Michael is also the brother of Elizabeth Afton and Crying Child, as well as a technician of Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. During Evan's final moments, Michael apologized to Evan for his actions. Michael Afton | Heroes Wiki | Fandom These children were eventually rescued by Charlie's friends before any true harm could come to them. Benedict is a byword for Betrayal and Treason. The nightmares take place in Evan's bedroom from 1983. Height In the Custom Night minigames, it's shown that he has a fairly light skin tone, darkish brown hair that seems to be combed over, and blue eyes. They were all there. His father, William Afton, is the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment. The FNaF Wiki lists Aftons age as between thirty-five and forty-four years old. He goes back through the Funtime Auditorium, and into Parts and Service, to see a lifeless Circus Baby. Crying Child Patient 46 Every day without fail there is a half-eaten hot dog on his desk. Michael lures them away using sound effects in the vents. Sensitive and timid with an intense fear of animatronics, he was an easy target for his asshole older brother and spoke exclusively in emojis. However, in the Fake Ending of Sister Location, he chooses to accept the Exotic Butters basket in spite of its uselessness, showing that Michael is a grateful person and can be content with what is given to him, even when he doesnt get what he wants. Discuss Everything About Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom I'm Nick," he said, "Nice to meet you. In FNaF 2, Jeremy's death is in first person (with Fritz' as well), and in FNaF 3, only a Game Over screen in big red bold text is shown. Frank the Diver Lolbit Everyone including Mike got into Ian's car as Ian hit the gas. Like his father William, he appears to have a elongated smile, although it appears more friendly and warm, rather than his father's sadistic and unnerving smile. Michael Afton (also nicknamed as "Eggs Benedict" by the HandUnit) is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. He should be dead, be he is not, so he will assist his fathers work friend with commiting arson. The Afton Kids ages. Their age important to help find out the - Reddit But, as he checked on the funny robots, he noticed that one of them was missing. Nightmare Balloon Boy | Ice Freddy | Will doesn't even have a heart at this point and I can only presume he cleaned out his original remains from the suit and made fake ones. Michael Afton (also known as Mike In SL, which takes place around 1995-97 (the year isn't certain, but definitely is after 1) he'd be around 28 - 30. I don't think he heard me at all because when I say I explained to him I mean it. Now then, on the road, Ian called his friend, whom some of you know quite well. Mike Schmidt appears in the Help Wanted game over room, although it is unknown where this image comes from as Mike survives all the nights he works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Here, he is the Crying Child's emotionally abusive older brother and the one who caused The Bite of '83. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). After beating V. Hard Golden Freddy mode, Michael Afton, speaks to his father William Afton. Their father, William, was an infamous serial killer. Plushtrap | Gray-blue In 3, which takes place in 2023 (if he is the guard) he would be around 56. In FNAF 2, which either takes place in 1987 or 1994, he would be 17 or 24 (Fritz Smith and Michael Afton are not the same characters) However, many fans have come up with their own theories about Aftons age, claiming that he was born in 1938, but he actually died in 1993 and came back in 2000.
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