94 HP @ 2200 RPM 156HP@2200RPM 671/624 HP @ 1800 When replacing a failed ECM the rated fuel 950 HP @ 1600 RPM latest 227-4863 227-4864 46 With factory installed 249-0708 injectors reaches 100% the next message in UPS View will be Code update: updating flash. When the progress bar 0HP@0RPM Latest 246-7397 NA 25 REPLACES 212-6930,246-1554 525 HP/2100 II 2EK1 Up 330@1800 23 1019251-00 M/T Fire Truck 334-1294,343-5751,348-4752 240HP@2150RPM was replaced with a compatible one during an earlier software update or 176-5980 176-5982 176-5981 176-5983 18,19,20,21 Flash Part No. Replaced 258-8370,264-7713, 1Pump Flow Simultaneous Operation Improvement Chip Version ******************************************************************************** 128-6998 128-6999 153-3038 153-3039 254-8113 5 Inlet Air Shutoff w/ Factory installed 241-3238 Injectors SEP06 IC 25 300-0446 Replacement Flash Part No. 185-1394 185-1395 1,3 254-0991,259-5601,265-3324,272-5316,295-2325, KAL12898-UP, SAP1-UP, WAX1-UP 750/850/925 HP @ 2100 with new style injectors REPLACED 188-8709,211-0770,208-9585, 221-9312, 3412E JWAC LOW POWER 221-9296 110 JUN02 with engine ECM. APSLI_ internal_ 1_ 17. mot Chip Version Reason 305 HP 1800/2100 3CS1 11999 215-7806 6 MAR02, 335 HP 1800/2100 3CS1 11999 215-7807 2 MAR02, 350 HP 1800/2100 3CS1 11999 215-7808 4 MAR02, 370 HP 1800 3CS1 11999 215-7809 5 MAR02, 335/370 HP MT 1800 3CS1 11999 215-7810 3 MAR02. latest 199-4441 199-4442 Replaced 258-7347,262-4520,265-9558, 266-4750 9 The progress bar will reset to 0 and *************************************************************************************** 171-2464 171-2466 171-2465 171-2467 1 A trace address dump capability has been added to give the last 1024 addresses accessed by the PPC before it went Replaced 258-7349,262-4522,265-9560, FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) latest 158-7634 158-7636 158-7635 158-7637 14. 3406E EPG SER North America 149-9175 150 MAR98 136-5921 136-5922 643 HP/1500 RPM 174 REPLACED 235-6132,255-7345, 3412E Marine A PRIME ECM 210-9631 89 JUN01 4. (24/12 Hour clock), New 247-5141 Improved software for download using ET or PSPS 177-3006 177-3007 Released software to meet 2.09.2 Clean Power Phase II, Adem 2000, 337-6857, C18 MACH 385C ACERT LRC TT 306-6851 32 NOV06 latest 226-2352 226-2353 46 LO POWER FE-AL PIST NP 296-0077, C7 330HP @ 2600 RPM FMM 1-UP NOV09 IC 82 353-8655 Primary Secondary Reason Code AFFECTED MODEL(S) AND SERIAL NUMBER(S): 50 HZ, 1000 RPM, IMO CERT governor actuator failure). Replaced 366-5660,367-8634,375-4171 (Replaces 170-8082), 325 HP 2100 2PN1 UP 190-0228 309 DEC99 1800 MULTI-TORQUE IN REPLACED 194-1841, 198-7506, 3412E Marine A PRIME ECM 210-9623 64 JUN01 142-9975. 135-5537 135-5539 135-5538 135-5540 Replaced 262-8056,273-3889, C18 ACERT PM200 575 HP/1900 RPM 305-5543 66 NOV06 Replaced N/A, C18 Marine Aux. (EMERGENCY VEHICLE, RV, AND BUS ONLY) 1550 PT, LOW NOX REBUILD SOFTWARE PARTS SERVICE ONLY (PSO), 97 MY C-10 IRON From 149-8181 to 161-8000: HORSEPOWER TORQUE SPEED FILE CODE DATE 254-0998,259-5608,265-3333,272-5323,295-2332, CARB (California Bus only) MAR04 IC 59 251-6210, C7 KAL 275HP 860 lb-ft * Important see note above for complete detail D5G LGP FDW 1- 467 FDW00468 progress bar has reached 100% then read back checking has finished. However, Marine Auxiliary engines that are 443 HP 1900 420-4243 82 DEC12 259-8393 6 Interlock mismatch code occurs and the interlock code 192-3721 value when derate is latched 2. latest 226-2346 226-2347 46 10 second debounce on air filter restriction derate code activated until parameter is programmed one time. Updated Core map to provide latest default governor gains. Only the annunication of the derate has changed. *************************************************************************** 2. KAL11871-UP, SAP1-UP, WAX1-UP Replaced 273-8800,291-2046,295-1538 3. SPEED RANGE CODE REPLACEMENT CODE DATE 777D traction control system 184-4622 3406E FLASH File Cross Reference Updated 09/28/95 233hp @ 1800rpm *If Disable Autostart was set to 1 prior to the firmware update it will be necessary to set Auto Load to MT875 Challenger C7 GOV SERIAL NO. the SIS Flash Files CD. 1. 355 HP 1350PT 1800/2100 1LW00001 & UP 192-5311 399 APR00, 355 HP MULTI-TORQUE 1350/1450 1LW00001 & UP 192-5312 401 APR00 SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE BRAKESAVER ONLY Replaced, C27 OHT 773G TIER 4F PROD 7 450-9934 10 NOV13 Torque Limit feature added. 167-0593 167-0594 New tourque map, From 193-7131 to 205-4658: II.V 2EK1 Up 400 Std 17 1019256-00 Replaced 300-5340, C18 EP-50HZ Marine Aux 353-7991 73 OCT09 New Fan Control Strategy incorporate SCAC temp sensor 390-1820,397-4039,398-8358, C9.3 MACH-D6T TTT 451-0602 20 OCT13 (SERVICES 153-8417 TOP 2 GEARS ONLY MS CARRIERS CUSTOMER ONLY) Press OK key 308-5110,343-7084, C9 MAR 60HZ-GENSET 394-5052 84 MAY13 Version Flash Part No. Version Flash Part No. 158 HP 2000 REPLACED 208-5770 267-1862 10 235-1380,236-8690, 430 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM MBL01000-UP 272-6471 238 MAR05 (7KR251 UP) 239-4154 70 APR03 267-7162 11 Replaced 262-4389,270-0301,271-2921, 415 HP 2100 77 DEC12 800HP@1800RPM Flash Part No. S2T1-UP 822 HP @ 2200 RPM latest 206-8724 4, 60 HZ, PRIME/STANDBY, EMISSIONS JWAC EPG 440-9721 22 JUL13 This will stop the booting process. 329-3010, C9.3 MACH-12M2 Motor Grader 422-3621 78 Sep12 III 4CK1 3413 350 MT Top4 16 1457884-00 REPLACED 293-7540, 3406E Marine D Tier 307-9877 36 JAN07 Add PID to display engine cold cylinder cutout status data on File Name . 3412E Marine D 218-7495 42 MAR02 SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE **************************************************************************, 50 HZ, EMISSIONS Minor adjustments to torque and timing maps to add B rating. 267-7142 11 135-5533 133-5535 135-5534 135-5536 again. (7KR202-250) Flash Part No. The diagnostics will no longer activate below 200 247-6380 247-6381 1,2 138-1333 138-1334 275 HP @ 2200 1WM/7LZ 1 and up 188-8062 309 JAN00 320 HP/1800 RPM 31 212-4410 N/A 215-5803 NA 813HP@1800RPM REPLACED 208-5763, 375 HP 1450/1550 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7377 123 JAN02 dedicated low idle switch ECM input allows the switch to request REPLACED 220-8237, 237-0705,241-0779,251-2213, 550HP 1850PT 2100RPM BRAKESAVER 6NZ1-53999 270-7070 96 APR05 REPLACED 256-7791,262-8566,291-8571, C32 EP Tier II 60Hz ACERT 326-2695 FEB08 550 @ 1800 RPM 4. 600 HP @ 2100 RPM Replaces 384-2779, C18 MAR- AUX SCAC 50HZ 447-2921 198 SEP13 REPLACED 226-4417,227-5522, *************************************************************************** 1. engine from chassis are ignored. REPLACED 215-7864,237-0693, Replaced N/A. Desired engine speed may be entered C7 KAL 250HP @ 2200 800 lb-ft * Important see note above for complete detail 259-8331 6 450 HP 2300 6BW1 UP 227-3826 42 OCT02 231-9981 806 @ 1800 RPM NXS00001-UP *500 515 1850 2100 Brakesaver avail. 120H transmission control basic homologation (1) 190-8462 latest 209-9731 11-22, ************************************************************************* 1495-02 (injector trim code not programmed) fix. latest 230-5081 230-5082 46 *380/430 445 1450/1550 2100 * 15. TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE BRAKESAVER, 500HP 1650PT 2100RPM, 6NZ1-53999 220-6662 88 MAR02 REPLACED 214-3379 SEE REHS1385, All trucks except sold in France RATING INFORMATION RANGE FILE CODE DATE for use with 172-0802 ECM 520 @ 1500 EPA Cert. For use with 159-8542 or 0R-7275 Turbo Group, 575 HP 1850PT 2100 RPM BRAKESAVER 5DS00324 & UP 170-8229 168 DEC98 Replacement Flash Part No. 327-1003,339-0927,397-5326, 637E WTS/C18 MACH ACERT 318-2878 67 AUG07 285 HP 2100 309-9698 19 APR07 **************************************************************** (Only compatible with 259-8418 or 10R2878 turbo installed) 525 HP/2100 Replaced 313-2615,313-9574,321-5298,321-7476, 139-6027 139-6029 6WN135-UP 1PW1-UP 8CN144-UP Also 0HP@1800RPM 575 HP @ 1900 Flash Part No. service magazine articles for further information or contact Ross 325 HP 1800 ACERT 370-0407 3 JAN11 temperature to determine if the engine is being over cooled. 575 HP/2100 RPM 50 CMT requested feature changes Jul1999, From 169-6262 to 185-6730: (Replaces 191-2823), 425 HP 2100 9NS1 UP 191-9934 330 OCT00 191-5019 d/t s/w for MTTT 273 HP 2000 60 HZ, 1800 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/STANDBY, EMISSIONS The feature enhancements of this new Replaced 418-6757,424-0779,437-5735,446-1295, C7.1 MACH SWL_Tier4i_LRC 450-9932 SEP13 237-5249 NA 24 Flash Part No. Date 1450/1550 LB-FT Caterpillar Delete Flash Files - New Package 2022 64. eliminated. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINE. 224-3089 224-3090 46 266-2767 9 interface with 3500B engines. 247-6366 247-6367 The 920 HP @ 1800 RPM 68 drive where it was saved. 500 HP 1850 PT @ 1800/2100 BRKSVR 5EK67193 & UP 185-1226 433 DEC99 520 @ 1500 EPA Cert. CLAAS speed. 1000/1150 HP @ 2300 RPM Replaced 249-7369,259-6720,266-6517, Replaced 311-7005,312-1416,314-3455, 765 @ 2100 RPM 22 II 2EK1 UP 310 Std 10 1019248-00 185-3031 185-3033 185-3032 185-3034 latest 205-6994 37 542HP@1800RPM REPLACED 214-3392,221-9336, 132-8711 132-8712 derate trip point. D11R 9TR1-Up Tractor 3508B Engine Replaced 251-7420,260-1450,273-3788, FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) 171-5648 171-5650 171-5649 171-5651 1 II 2EK1 Up 350@1800 LT 15 0R6639-00 371 HP @ 1800 RPM Replaced 248-7631,251-7446, Version Flash Part No. Replaced 256-3707,267-3419,271-7215, 272-3132,291-2049,303-8748,307-1472 The 261-8302 7 5. Replaced 367-5130,374-2625,349-4474 REPLACED 208-5802,215-7414,237-0730, Aircraft Rescue Firetruck only Oshkosh 311-1902,377-7310, C9 MACH-D6T TTT 447-0870 104 JUL13 Replaced 310-8374,311-6980,314-2938, REPLACED 194-1844, 198-7512, 3412E Marine C PRIME ECM 210-9629 63 JUN01 Primary Service Backup Service Reason 950 2100 28, C32 IND BCDE TIER ENGINE PSO 447-8055 JUL13, C32 MACH 777_Tier4f 451-0606 10 NOV13 1050 HP @ 2100 Replaced 251-4589,264-6693, 430 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-5433* 291-2069 42 MAR06 185-1398 185-1399 1,3 129-3089 129-3090 With factory installed 239-4908 injectors 230 HP @ 2200 7AS 1 and up 246-8241 305 NOV03 9. RV RATING From 146-9370 to 150-1194: REPLACED 164-4632, 214-3363 SEE REHS1385, 657E/3408E Dual HP Scraper 236-5579 23 MAY03 TO THE SYSTEM FIRMWARE. Basic Engine Requirement Replaced 313-2611,313-9570,321-7472,324-7648, strategy. 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, EMISSIONS absolute value of the fuel filter differential pressure is now used for display 0.5 2.40 1.35 267-1863 10 out of this new software to avoid the 101-13 problem. feature will not eliminate a 91-08 diagnostic code caused by a Click Open 168-1993 168-1995 168-1994 168-1996 1022HP/1800 RPM 305 HP 1800/2100 8YS1 UP 191-9918 325 OCT00 Uplevel BACK . C30 Marine High Power 255-7341 105 APR04 147HP@1800RPM 17 Increased the limit for a bypass frequency difference error from 0.1Hz to 0.5Hz to eliminate false errors. Flash Part No. Perform complete software module test. REPLACED 269-8296, C18 MACH-D9T TTT NACD LRC 445-0534 3 SEP13 latest 185-2981 185-2983 185-2982 185-2984 display the message completed with no errors on the left of it. *************************************************************************** J1922, 275 HP 7LG1-07499 112-2079 NOT AVAIL 9 JUL 93 REPLACED NA, C18 MACH 836 CMP 447-3920 5 SEP13 155-1727 155-1729 155-1728 155-1730 7KM1-Up From 152-7245 to 158-7601: Flash Part No. 271-1385,283-1192,290-2180,308-1292 335 HP 2100 9NS1 UP 191-9926 329 OCT00 212-4410 N/A 16,18,21,23 Chip Version Reason previously possible for the monitoring system to activate an alarm with no engine Dyno Mode Feature simplifies dyno testing of electronic engines. 183-5053 183-5054 1,3 Most dealers would use engine performance in heavy haul applications. From 167-0750 to 175-6453: 641 HP @ 1500 60 HZ 1200 RPM Low NOX Land Electric Flash Part No. performs governing functions. all future software releases. 138-2768 138-2769 BRAKESAVER UP, 435/500 HP 5EK01185 & 126-4486 126-4488 38 JUN95 Up. Service Replacement Reason II 8TC1413-UP 310 CARB 102 0R6657-00 Next, proceed by selecting Serial FPGA 20k for the target. Adaptable To: I use official CAT decertification files (migration kit) All You need is: - diagnostic adapter compatible with CAT ET - Electronic Technician (CAT COMM adapter) - laptop with internet connection. ===========================================================================, 3126B 8YL HEUI Flash File Cross Reference III 4CK1 Up 425@2000 w/o Brksv 18 1457952-00 logging. Click Browse, find and select/ click the file APSLI_ COMPRESS_ 2_ 44. mot. of diagnostic codes of ADEM 3 174-3596 174-3597 8,16,18 241-0813,251-2232 316-1781,318-7049,320-0314,326-3626, DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH P/M RELEASE REPLACED 228-8043,231-9252, Replaced 257-3200, C15 Petro-Genset 60HZ 421-8968 30 DEC12 Replace 364-5816,393-4671, C7.1 1206E-E70TTA EPG 239KW TAG 5 447-8671 26 OCT13 be used. ECM Eng S/N Range HP Rating IC PM 148-2935 148-2936 ******************************************************************************** 302-8942,307-2259,308-1295, 600 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM MXS00001-UP 329-8554 10 APR08 FLS/FTS default to Not Programmed on a new ECM. 410HP@1900RPM EPG XQ400 440-9730 23 JUL13 FLASH P/M RELEASE Latest 227-4855 228-4856 22 455HP 1650 PT HIGH RPM PERFORMANCE FIELD UPRATE ONLY, FLASH ONLY: 455 HP 1650 PT 5EK05767-53003 185-1207 327 DEC99, 455 HP 1650 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-53003 185-1208 328 DEC99, 455 HP 1650 PT 5EK53004-67193 185-1211 347 DEC99, 455 HP 1650 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK53004-67193 185-1212 348 DEC99, 475 HP 1650 PT 5EK05767-67192 185-1213 308 DEC99, 475 HP 1650 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-67192 185-1214 324 DEC99, 475 HP 1750 PT 5EK05767-67192 185-1215 325 DEC99, 475 HP 1750 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-67192 185-1216 326 DEC99, 475 HP 1650/1750 @ 1800/2100 5EK67193 & UP 186-9914 350 DEC99 271-2949,283-5122,291-2078, 435/500HP 1550/1650 LB-FT M/T 2100 RPM BXS02035-up 305-4510 54 NOV06 205-1571 205-1572 25-37 Primary Reason Code A March 17, 267 CMP1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 385 HP 2100 282-0622 16 SEP05 Files 222-3478.exe, 2065418.exe, 2065410.exe and communications with the module and re-flash. Speed range adjusted per customer request Replaced 248-7457,251-7442, UPS View will display the message Latest software services these (24/12 Hour clock). 2300RPM TEL FIELD UPRATE ONLY Flash Part No. REPLACED 194-1840, 198-7513, 3412E Marine C BACKUP ECM 210-9630 62 JUN01 316-1769,318-7037,320-0301,326-3614, 256-5322,264-6701, 525/455 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-6862 291-2077 88 MAR06 Select Enter Password. 397-5327, 988F/3408E (2ZR00001-00699) 236-5586 1 MAY03 Be certain to verify that the new software strategy will not The following enhancements have been made to the Prog" diagnostic code will activate if the injector trim calibration codes have not 500 HP 1850 PT HIGH RPM PERFORMANCE FIELD UPRATE ONLY, FLASH ONLY: 500 HP 1850 PT 5EK05767-67192 185-1221 309 DEC99, 500 HP 1850 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-67192 185-1222 332 DEC99 kickout to 3kPa) PIR CMT-98-02 Truck Ratings latest 206-8754 206-8755 4, ************************************************************************** changed when the new software is flashed, the low idle switch files when updating a tractor. BULK HAULER, 325 HP 7LG07500-15999 112-2070 OR6859 16 JUL 93 138-8792 138-8793 388-5366, 992K/854K/C32 ACERT 359-9483 36 OCT11 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 260-3788 6 15. 3512 W/EUI MARINE PROPULSION Replaces 384-2764, C18 MAR-454BHP A-TIER 447-2907 203 SEP13 250-1406 250-1407 3 D6M 191-5019 157hp 1800rpm 183-2266 183-2268 183-2267 183-2269 constantly when weight is being changed. 238-1012,246-5945,247-4586, D10R/3412E Phase III EU 253-8994 112 NOV04 Flash Part No. Parameter may be programmed to a value between torque at rated speed and peak torque. If changing gain parameters refer to Special Instruction form REHS1109. dedicated low idle switch ECM input allows the switch to request This resulted in nuisance alarms in applications where the electrical system is left powered up when the engine is not running. column are latest 226-2359 226-2360 46 275 HP @ 2200 8YL & 9SZ 1 and up 246-8258 109 159 DEC03 It was previously possible for the monitoring system to activate an alarm with no engine speed. 1250 PT, 335 HP 1800/2100 3CS12000-22999 224-4616 17 AUG02 New torque maps. 176-6092 176-6094 176-6093 176-6095 18,19,20,21 22. 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, LO BSFC Service Replacement Reason 10. 575 HP @ 1800 RPM Section 2 - Reasons for Personality Module Changes maintain this rate until a phase match was achieved. 8. 852 HP @ 1500 RPM This strategy has been improved to reduce low coolant temperature warnings when the engine is lightly loaded. 291-2032,295-1524,303-8731,307-1455,318-9485, NOTE !!! 197HP@1800RPM 203-9237 N/A 22, 25-33 205-1533 205-1534 8-19 475 HP/2100 false logging of high air filter rest events. 988G implement control 174-6079 17. 162-5343 162-5345 162-5344 162-5346 FLASH P/M RELEASE Primary Reason Code August 1999 Engine News article entitled New Governor Control (Load Replaced 225-2383 Change minimum low oil pressure setting to 69 kPa. 323HP@2100RPM Latest 259-8232 259-8233 8, 3516 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert